Wednesday, January 21, 2009

So yesterday I felt a bit nauseous at night but that could have been from eating so much at Cameron's birthday dinner. I also have been having some cramping which makes me start begging this baby to stay with me. It's not bad cramping but I am a little fearful sometimes- I really don't want to lose this baby. So everyone please send those positive thoughts and prayers and hopefully they will work and all will be fine.

Also the preg. test ran out of batteries so it no longer has the "YES+". Maybe it is time to throw out the pee on a stick :)

So I am hoping to make an appointment today for my first prenatal visit. I will post once I have more info on that. I am kinda hoping they will do the sonogram then but it may be too early for that. I am just so anxious to see the little poppy seed. I hope we can bring a video camera and record it. I think that would be awesome.

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