Sunday, January 18, 2009


We found out I was pregnant on Friday, Jan. 16th. We started trying a month before. I am so excited we got pregnant so quickly. I have been wanting this for so long and now it is here!!

We lost our Ethan Wolf a year and a half ago on May 26, 2007. He was still born. My blood pressure had been rising during my pregnancy and then got so high they decided to induce me. First they put cervidil in to soften my cervix which ended up causing an occult abruption which cause Ethan Wolf to be still born.

We have gone through a lot since then but felt like we were ready to start trying again and we did and now I am pregnant.

I thought I would start a blog to share my experiences as this pregnancy progresses, because I know it will be very different from my previous pregnancy. It will also let friends and family keep up to date with how it is going.


  1. How exciting for me! I am so glad you two are now living right in my back yard! I am here for you both! love, mom

  2. I'm so excited!!! Hip Hip Horray. Now we just have to figure out how to get you to stick around here for a little while; Oregon is so far away.

    Love you both.

    Mary Alice - can we steal Mawmaw and Pawpaw or do you want them? We have other ideas if so.

  3. Yeah Mom is working on keeping us here too I think :)

    But yeah you can have Maw Maw and Paw Paw. My Mom is Ollie and my step-dad Craig is Kukla (sp?) and then my dad was Poppie and I Nathan's dad is Grandpa and Val is Grandma, so Maw Maw and Paw Paw are yours!
