Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Filled with hope again

So every time I walk past the preg. test I have to look at it to see that "YES+". I just get so excited to see that. Like it makes it real again.

I am just filled with hope again. I find myself dreaming about what this baby will be like. How it will be to have him or her with us. I did that with Ethan and felt like my dreams were crushed after losing him, I didn't get to have those dreams come true. But I still find myself dreaming and imagining how this one will be- I thought I wouldn't do that this time around- just the knowledge that it is possible to lose all of that, but I guess that innocence has returned to me. Though I don't feel blinded like the innocence I had before but more like I am just enjoying those ideas and thoughts because it is a part of being pregnant and even if we lose this child I will at least have those memories of being so happy and imagining about him/her and such. I don't know maybe that sounds weird but I find it nice to still be able to dream like I did.

So yesterday I had a bit more "morning" sickness. It was off and on throughout the day. It was pretty mild and honestly I kind of like it because it makes it seem more like I am pregnant. I am just so excited to be carrying this little poppy seed :)

1 comment:

  1. Ethan doesn't need to be the elephant in the room in my heart. Rather, these are two distinctly different circumstances and two different times and two different babies in my heart.
    I love Ethan and love this baby too.
